It is a practice of ploughing in the green plant tissues grown in the field or adding green plants with tender twigs or leaves from outside and incorporating them into the soil for improving the physical structure as well as fertility of the soil.
It can be defined as a practice of ploughing or turning into the soil, undecomposed green plant tissues for the purpose of improving the soil fertility. The object of green manuring is to add an organic matter into the soil and thus, enrich it with ‘N’ which is most important and deficient nutrient.
1 . Green manuring in-situ : When green manure crops are grown in the field itself either as a pure crop or as intercrop with the main crop and buried in the same field, it is known as Green manuring In-situ. E.g.: Sannhemp, Dhaicha, Pillipesara, Shervi, Urd, Mung, Cowpea, Berseem, Senji, etc.
2 . Green leaf manuring : It refers to turning into the soil green leaves and tender green twigs collected from shrubs and tress grown on bunds, waste lands and nearby forest area. E.g.: Glyricidia, wild Dhaicha, Karanj.
Sunhemp Will Increase Organic Matter, Provide Nitrogen, Grow In Low Fertility Sandy Soils.
Sunhemp Is One Of The Fast Growing Leguminous Crop Which Suits Well In Crop Rotation.
Sunhemp Grows Best On Well-Drained Soils With A PH From 5 To 7.5.
Sunhemp Has Been Used Extensively As A Soil Improvement Or Green Manure Crop In Many States Because Of Its Ability To Produce Large Amounts Of Biomass.
Sunhemp Used As A Cover Crop, Can Improve Soil Properties, Reduce Soil Erosion, Conserve Soil Water, And Recycle Plant Nutrients.
Sowing Rate: 30 To 35 Kg/Ha
DHAINCHA (Sesbania aculeata)
Dhaincha Is Generally Used As Green Manure Crop.
It Can Be Grown On All Season Having Sufficient Moisture In Soil.
It Not Only Improve Physical Properties But Also Helps In Meeting Nitrogen Requirement Of Succeeding Crop.
Sowing During March – April Is Best For Seed Production.
Green Manure: 50 Kg/Ha
SITHAGATHI (Sesbania speciosa)
Sesbania Is A Tree Gives More Leafy Bio-Mass Used As Fodder As Well As Green Manures
Sesbania Can Be Grown As Cover Crop With High Seed Rate
Sesbania Can Be Sown All Seasons But Before Rainy Season Suits Well
Seed Rate – 30 To 40 Kg/ Ha.